Mountview School Building Committee
Community Meeting Minutes
January 8, 2013
Present: Chairman Paul Challenger, David White, Gary Kaczmarek, Margaret Watson, Erik Githmark, Anthony Gasbarro, Mike Sherman
Absent: Chris Lucchesi, Jacquie Kelly, Nancy Galkowski
Others Present: Bill Senecal, LPA, Elizabeth Helder, Recording Secretary
Others Absent: Mike Pagano, LPA
No one from the public was present at the meeting.
Gary Kaczmarek reported that he sent the DESE submittal on 12/12/12. He met with LPA today to discuss the budget and scope of services. LPA will know all the cost estimates from Fogarty (LPA Cost Estimator) and Daedalus (Owner’s Cost Estimator) by 2/1/13. It will take LPA one week to reconcile both estimates and then present to the Committee. The Final Submittal to the MSBA is 2/14/13. The MSBA will reimburse up to $275.00 per sq. foot (52% of $275.). The current estimate is above that ($390.00). Mr. Challenger asked what was driving up the costs. Mr. Kaczmarek said that there wasn’t any cost in particular that was driving the costs up; an industrial sized building simply cannot not be constructed for $275.00 sq. ft. The $275/sq.ft.
reimbursement from the MSBA is a complete surprise to both LPA and Mr. Kaczmarek and Mr. Kaczmarek is trying to get an answer from the MSBA.
Mr. Senecal reported that he discovered during December 2012 that there are two separate buildings on the current site that do not belong to the school: a 10x20 storage shed constructed by Holden Youth Soccer and a building used to house irrigation controls, which is owned by the town. Mr. Senecal will need to reconfigure/relocate these structures and the irrigation controls. The project will also need to replace any irrigation pipes that are removed/relocated due to construction. Materials will try to be reused to irrigate the new playing fields.
NSTAR will bring the gas line to the school if the project pays for police detail and final paving. These costs will be estimated into the project. However, they are not considered reimbursable costs.
Mr. Kaczmarek said that the results of the additional borings on the new school site showed that the material is very good for building purposes. There are minimal unsuitable soils in the area which hopefully will help keep construction costs low. Any material removed from the new building site will be used elsewhere on site as fill or to build the new road. More information will become available during the Cut and Fill process.
Mr. Githmark has been to the High School to review its security system. Mr. White said that he felt that security was a priority with the residents of Holden. He said he did not think that if presented with an option to provide enhanced security at the school, taxpayers will hesitate to pay. There are many security options available on the market to choose from. It is important to build it right the first time and build the safest structure possible.
Also included in the costs estimates will be a generator to power 100% of the school in an emergency situation, 3 shower facilities, and separate connections for a washer/dryer in the janitor’s room, and all science classrooms have been piped for acid and compressed air (the two 8th grade science classrooms have also been piped for gas). Mr. Challenger inquired if there was money available from FEMA or MEMA to offset the purchase of a generator? This is a question for Ms. Kelly to investigate. Mr. Kaczmarek said he has not received any answer from the MSBA regarding a decision on the Media Center. He says he has sent numerous emails stating that it will be a huge impact to the project this late in the game if the MSBA does not approve the Media Center as presented.
Ms. Watson asked about the sprinkler system. Every room in the building is fitted with the sprinkler system.
Mr. Challenger reported that the Town filed a report with the MSBA to name Mr. Gasbarro to the Committee and remove Mr. Brennan.
Mr. Challenger said that at Mr. White’s suggestion, he would like to schedule a joint meeting between the Committee, the Board of Selectmen, School Committee, and Finance Committee to update them on the project after the estimates come in. Ms. Watson suggested that the entire 20-member School Committee be invited to the presentation. Mr. White said he felt that having a meeting and fielding questions to over 50-people was unnecessary. He suggested that only the eight Holden School Committee Representatives should be invited. Mr. Sherman concurred. The Committee discussed when to schedule their next meeting. All construction cost estimates are due to LPA on 1/28/13. The Committee agreed to meet on February 5th to review these estimates. The
Committee will then invite the Selectmen, Finance Committee and Holden School Reps. to a joint meeting on February 11th. The Committee also agreed not to meet on January 22nd.
Mr. Lucchesi’s Community Outreach kick-off event has been rescheduled due to a meeting conflict with Davis Hill. The new meeting date is TBD. Mr. Sherman will contact Mr. Lucchesi to get his list of potential volunteers and share this information with Mr. Githmark and Mr. Gasbarro for soliciting involvement at the elementary level.
School design posters have been distributed in the lobby at Mountview and at the elementary schools, library, senior center, Town Hall, Light Department, and the ECC.
Ms. Watson shared an article from 12/11/12 from USA Today on building green schools.
Motion by Dave White, seconded by Mike Sherman, it was UNANIMOUSLY VOTED TO ADJOURN THE JANUARY 8, 2013 MEETING AT 8:10PM.